Where can I access Pigeon?

Pigeon is available on desktop, iOS and Android for Businesses, and iOS and Android for Customers. Search for "Pigeon for Business" to download the app. For customers, see where to begin.

How do I start using Pigeon?

All users must create an account in order to use Pigeon. Business users must sign up for one of our Business Plans. Once your Business is set up on Pigeon, your Business Admin will complete the company's profile and invite team members. Team members will then be able to set up their own accounts and begin communicating with customers.

How much does Pigeon cost?

Pigeon for Business is available in three different tiers, including a free option, so you can choose the offering that is best for your needs and budget. You can find pricing on our homepage. For Enterprise level, call us for additional information and a custom quote.

Pigeon is always free for Customers.

If you'd like to learn more or sign up for Pigeon for your Business, please email us at [email protected].