Before you start

Pigeon is an easy and reliable way to interact consistently with your clients or customers.Here are some things to know before you begin using Pigeon platform.

Sign up for a business account

When you create a Pigeon account, you agree to comply with our Terms and Conditions regulations.

To create your business account, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to Pigeon's signup page
  2. Type in your email and click Get started
  3. Check your inbox for the confirmation message to complete your account setup

If you entered the wrong email, click "re-enter your email" and repeat the actions 1-3.


Confirm your account

After you receive the confirmation message from Pigeon, open it and click Confirm your email to complete the registration process.

Be sure to check your Spam and Junk folder if you can't find the message. If you still can't find it, email our Support Team at [email protected].

Complete your registration process

After you confirmed your account, complete the registration process.Enter the following information: